Board meeting - November 2017

The NZSL Board Chair, Victoria Manning, summarises the NZSL Board's meeting on 31 October and 1 November 2017.

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Kia ora, I am the NZSL Board Chair, Victoria Manning. 

I am giving a summary of the NZSL Board two day meeting on 31 October and 1 November 2017. The main purpose of this meeting was to finalise the NZSL Board five-year Strategy plan. The NZSL Board has mainly focused on this during their meetings this year. The work is now with the Office for Disability Issues to refine. You will have an opportunity to see the Strategy when it is released.

The NZSL Board, informed by international language planning research and adapted for New Zealand minority languages at risk, agreed on five new language planning priorities. They are all important for NZSL revitalisation, which are:

  • Status: Activities which ensure the position of NZSL in society, how it is viewed and used, and what rights are given to NZSL users are enhanced through legislation, policy and practice.
  • Acquisition: Activities which promote and maintain the acquisition of NZSL by Deaf and hearing people.
  • Documentation: Activities which promote and maintain research and documentation of NZSL such as the Online NZSL Dictionary.
  • Use/Access: Activities which promote and maintain the use of the NZSL in all domains of society and promote social equality for Deaf NZSL users by ensuring access to information and services through NZSL.
  • Attitude: The importance of NZSL is recognised and valued, not only to the Deaf community but by all New Zealanders.

The NZSL Board also discussed its strategy implementation process and the funding costs related to implementing the NZSL Board Strategy, and the actions required under the strategic language planning priorities and funding for the NZSL Fund – the contestable fund for community initiatives.

And finally, we went through our work programme and confirmed focus areas for the Office for Disability Issues.

It was also lovely to see positive outcomes resulting from the NZSL Fund, seen through the NZSL community reports submitted to the NZSL Board.

Thank you.