Board meeting summary - December 2020 and February 2021
A summary of the NZSL Board meeting held in Wellington in December 2020 and February 2021.
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- Welcome two Rangatahi, Māori Youth as observers at NZSL Board meetings for the next year. Eric Matthews and Tanesha Sleeman will attend Board meetings to gain governance experience, supporting increasing the capacity and capability of the Māori Deaf community.
- were pleased to deliver 12 community meetings around the country. These meetings were a chance to talk about the role of the Board and to support communities around the country to support the maintenance and promotion of NZSL through local activities.
- Members attended Waitangi Day celebrations this year and supporting access to the events by providing three NZSL interpreters.
- The NZSL Board commissioned a report to understand how Deaf Youth access and use NZSL. A summary of the report has been translated, released on Facebook and shared with key stakeholders.. We hope that the report will support programme and services specifically for youth. The report will also support the Board making decisions about NZSL community Grant applications.
- We continue to identify information to measure the success of the NZSL Strategy 2018-2023. This year we plan to release a community survey, after July, to gather how the community feels about the about access and availability of NZSL. This information will help to develop a baseline and to track progress in the maintenance and promotion of NZSL.
- Round 8 of the NZSL community grants will open soon. We look forward to receiving applications for community projects.