Example form for Community Grant applications

This is an example form. Please wait until applications open to apply online using Survey Monkey Apply.

Applications for Round 12 – 2025 open on 24 February 2025 and close 23 March 2025.

View all the questions in NZSL external

What's on this page

Part 1: Eligibility

1. Is your project between $5,000 to $50,000?

  • Yes
  • No

2. Is your project based in New Zealand?

  • Yes
  • No

3. Will your project be completed in one year?

  • Yes
  • No

4. Has your project started?

  • Yes
  • No

Part 2: Project details

5. Describe your project. What do you want to achieve? Answer in English or NZSL – write your answer or paste the YouTube link to NZSL video.

6. When will your project start and finish?

7. Share your project plans. Tell us when the stages of your project will happen. Answer in English or NZSL – write your answer or paste the YouTube link to NZSL video. You can upload a document with your plan if you want.

8. Is your project focused on Turi Māori, or the wider community?

  • Turi Māori
  • Wider Deaf and/or hearing community

Part 3: Budget

9. Show here the total amount requested.

10. If you have applied for over $20,000 please upload your audited financial accounts. Audited financial accounts are the documents produced by an independent professional accountant at the end of every financial year.

11. Have you secured other funding for this project?

  • Yes
  • No

12. Other funding, if yes, how much and where from?

13. Budget costs – please upload a spreadsheet or Word document.

 When outlining the costs, you need to explain the following:

  • People costs (for example contractors, wages, salary)
  • Resource costs (for example equipment)
  • IT costs (for example software, printing)
  • Interpreter costs
  • Travel related costs (for example venue hire, catering)
  • Income
  • Other costs

All amounts are to be in New Zealand Dollars (NZD) and excluding GST. If your organisation is GST registered, you can include GST in your invoice.

14. My organisation is registered for GST.

  • Yes
  • No

Part 4: Applicant details

15. Organisation name

16. Primary contact person

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Mobile number
  • Organisation’s physical address
  • Organisation’s postal address (if different)

17. What is your ethnicity?

Why are we asking this? So we know if Te Rōpū Kaitiaki should assess your application.

  • Pākehā/New Zealand European
  • Māori
  • Samoan
  • Cook Island Māori
  • Tongan
  • Niuean
  • Chinese
  • Indian
  • Other, please specify

18. Signature

19. Are you planning to work with another organisaiton to deliver the project?

  • Yes
  • No

20. If yes, please upload a letter stating this commitment from the other organisation.

Part 5: Fundholder

Grants cannot be paid to individual bank accounts or organisations that are not legal entities. If you are an individual, please find a fundholder who can manage the Grant for you. The fundholder organisation must be a legal entity.

Legal entities are

  • registered charitable trusts
  • incorporated societies
  • Crown entity e.g., university or a subsidiary of a Crown entity
  • Limited Liability Companies

Your fundholder must sign a declaration stating that are happy to receive the Grant on your behalf.

See more information about fundholders.

21. Is your organisation a legal entity?

If your organisation is a legal entity, the grant can be paid to your organisation directly. 

If your organisation is not a legal entity, you must have a fundholder. The grant will be paid into the fundholder organisation's account, but you will be responsible for completing the project and communicating with your fundholder.

  • Yes, my organisation is a legal entity so the grant can be paid to my organisation's bank account - answer questions 22 and 23
  • No my organisation is not a legal entity, I have a fundholder organisation - answer questions 24, 25, 26, 27

Complete this section if your organisation is a legal entity:

22. Which type of legal entity is your organisation?

  • registered charitable trust
  • incorporated society
  • Crown entity e.g., university or a subsidiary of a Crown entity
  • Limited Liability Company

23. Companies Office registration number

OR Complete this section if your organisation is not a legal entity and you have a fundholder:

24. Legal name of fundholder organisation

25. Which type of legal entity is your fundholder organisation?

  • registered charitable trust
  • incorporated society
  • Crown entity e.g., university or a subsidiary of a Crown entity
  • Limited Liability Company

26. Companies Office registration number of fundholder

27. Fundholder arrangement

We acknowledge that:

If funding is approved for this application, we agree to receive and manage the funds awarded to the applicant organisation listed in Part One of this application form.

Our organisation has an agreement with the applicant organisation to receive and manage the finances for this project on their behalf.

Our organisation has the necessary skills and experience to manage the funding that may be received, and we have the authority to commit our organisation to this application.

Prior to the granting of any funds, Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People may disclose to, or obtain from, any other government department or agency, private person or organisation, any information about our organisation and the project for which funding is sought.

28. I agree to the above statements

  • Name of fundholder
  • Position
  • Signature

What happens after you apply

See this information in NZSL external

The NZSL Board and Whaikaha review applications. Turi Māori applications are also reviewed by Te Rōpū Kaitiaki.

We may send applicants further questions, to clarify details in your application or ask for any missing information. If the NZSL Board or Te Rōpū Kaitiaki have any further questions about your application, we will send these to you on 21 April 2025. You will need to answer these questions by 28 April 2025 for the Board to consider your application.

Then, the NZSL Board makes decisions at its May meeting.

Whaikaha sends letters to applicants in June or July, confirming the outcome of your application.

If you have any questions please email nzsl@whaikaha.govt.nz