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Printed on: 18 February 2025

Round 3 recipients

17 projects for the third funding round were approved and received a total of $542,471.

The NZSL Board also contributed $50,000 towards the total cost of the 5th National Māori Deaf Hui. The NZSL Board’s funding supported Māori Deaf people to attend the hui by reducing the costs of travel and registration that may have been barriers for Māori Deaf attendees.

Successful projects include a conference on NZSL interpreting and teaching, developing vital healthcare information in NZSL and recording NZSL stories from Deaf people with experience of mental illness or addiction. Below is the complete list of recipients:

  • FYD (Friends of Young Deaf) Leadership Programme. A series of leadership training weekends that will invest in young Deaf people to become competent leaders in their communities. Auckland Deaf Society, $38,630.
  • Carey Park Camp 2017. A three-day camp for D/deaf children, families and whanau to interact with Deaf community members in a natural signing environment, developing relationships and transmission of language and cultural values. Auckland Parents of Deaf Children, $27,509.
  • Signs of Professionalism. Enable the Deaf community, including Māori Deaf, teachers, interpreters and students to participate in the Signs of Professionalism conference via subsided registration. The conference will reflect on 25 years of NZSL interpreting, teaching, development; current challenges and future opportunities. Auckland University of Technology, $60,320. 
  • Local variations in Health Sector Interpreting. Explore variations in NZSL usage during interpreting interactions within health settings. This will be facilitated through a combined workshop between members of the Greater Wellington Deaf Community and NZSL interpreters. Capital Coast District Health Board, $7,325.50.
  • History of Wellington Deaf Society. To document the history of Wellington Deaf Society in the form of a documentary. Wellington Deaf Society, $25,000.
  • The Deaf Stories Project. Collection and analysis of ten NZSL stories from a range of Deaf people with experience of mental illness or addiction, forming the backdrop for a subsequent project to develop an informative video, bringing Deaf mental health and addiction needs into focus for the Deaf community and wider public. Coalition of Deaf Mental Health Professionals, $5,000.
  • Capital Coast District Health Board website information. Ensure vital information is accessible in NZSL on the CCDHB website, and provide staff members with information to assist with their interactions with Deaf patients. This information will be made available to other District Health Boards. Capital Coast District Health Board, $34,799.
  • Inclusive NZSL Communities, including Deaf people with additional disabilities. Allow Deaf people with more than one impairment to share their experiences, provide coaching and guidance through a series of online videos, to promote NZSL usage which welcomes and enables Deaf people with additional disabilities to feel included. Deaf Action New Zealand, $27,032.50.
  • Salonica Tour. A theatre performance and accompanying workshops, about Deaf soldiers in World War One, ‘Salonica’ will be shown via performances in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch. University of Waikato, $25,000.
  • Vignettes of Deaf children using NZSL. Develop three web-based videos that will cover the lives of Deaf children between the ages of 8-13 who are fluent in NZSL. Stretch Productions, $50,000.
  • High School Summer Camp for Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Run a week-long summer camp for 50 high school D/deaf students in New Zealand in January 2018. Combined Board of Trustees of Kelston and van Asch Deaf Education Centres, $47,000.
  • NZSL for Families Tutor Training. Expand the NZSL for Families programme by building capacity of NZSL tutors in New Zealand to provide family-based NZSL learning courses to families with D/deaf children. Merge NZ, $40,000.
  • Strengthen Dunedin Deaf Community. Provide regular opportunities for NZSL use for D/deaf children and their families via various activities. Otago Association for Deaf Children, $51,000.
  • Te Awhina Tautoko o nga whānau Turi. Work with whānau and others in Northland to promote NZSL through two wananga courses Māori Deaf, including mentoring support by experienced NZSL Tutors to develop teaching capacity in Northland. Tiaho Trust, $25,000.
  • NZSL Holiday Programmes and Family Camp. Deliver two fully inclusive NZSL week-long school holiday programmes for D/deaf children and their whānau, and a weekend NZSL family camp for D/deaf children to meet, make new friends and learn more about their language and culture, and investigation on how to make these initiatives self-sustaining. Wellington Association for Deaf Children $60,000.
  • NZSL classes for families with deaf children. Provide NZSL classes for families with D/deaf children. Wellington Deaf Society, $10,000.
  • Health Information in NZSL. Scope and research a proposal for the sustainable production and delivery of health information in NZSL online for the Deaf community and health practitioners. Capital Coast District Health Board, $8,855.

The NZSL Board has also contributed $300,000 towards this year’s NZSL Week to support the promotion of NZSL Week, the provision of NZSL Taster Classes and other NZSL activities across New Zealand. 

The NZSL Board contributed $50,000 towards the total cost of the 5th National Māori Deaf Hui to investigate the issues and potential solutions to the outcomes outlined in the NZSL Board Action Plan 2016-2018, under Action 4A & 4B: Māori Deaf access. The NZSL Board’s funding also supported Māori Deaf people to attend the hui by reducing the costs of travel and registration that may have been barriers for Māori Deaf attendees.

The Challenge for Growth in NZSL project, funded in the second round of the NZSL Fund, received an additional funding of $5,205.34 for provide regional activities and assistance with mentor training run by the New Zealand Youth Mentoring Network.