Board Meeting November 2021 summary
The NZSL Board were planning for a meeting in November but due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the Board held a series of online meetings.
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The Board discussed a number of topics:
- Wenda Walton and Rosie Henley did research on how interpreters work in NZSL Board meetings. They also identified some differences in meetings where NZSL is the main language. The Board are interested in exploring this further as a resource for others, especially hearing people coming to present to a Deaf audience.
- Sandy Thompson from Lead presented to the Board on the theory behind Collective Impact. Collective Impact work started in Canada and is used in complex situations. We are looking forward to Deaf stakeholders participating in a Collective Impact project in 2022 to help make gains/success for the use of NZSL in New Zealand
We are now looking forward to opportunities in 2022.
- We hope that you have seen the advertising about expanding the team who will work on the NZSL Board projects in the Office for Disability Issues. The new appointments will be announced as soon as possible but we know that more staff means that more of the Board's work can be achieved in 2022
- Covid also interrupted the Māori Deaf hui being led by our Māori Deaf Board members and Kellye Bensley. Kellye will start to plan these again for early 2022, using Government guidance on holding events around the country. The remaining hui will be held in Waikato, Hawkes Bay, Wellington and Christchurch.
- Work has continued behind the scenes to deliver adult NZSL proficiency tests, with a particular focus on staff working in Deaf Education. Completed work has looked at managing and storing assessment information and providing Assessors with training to maintain their skills