Family and Whānau Fun Day

The Auckland Deaf Society organised a Family and Whānau Fun Day in association with APODC and DANZ First Signs.

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About the event

A collaborative event bringing together whole families of deaf children with adult members of the Deaf community, youth mentors, and representatives of Auckland Deaf Society, Auckland Parents of Deaf children, DANZ First Signs, and other organisations.

Costumed performers entertain children and families

Costumed performers entertain children and families

A fun day of activities for deaf children supervised by Deaf Youth Mentors, running simultaneously with presentations for their parents and caregivers by adult Deaf NZSL users, along with opportunities to mix and mingle, and make or strengthen connections within the Deaf and signing community.

What happened on the day

This was our second interactive day with families of deaf children, Deaf presenters, Deaf Youth mentors, representatives from DANZ First Signs, APODC and more. It was a highly collaborative event.

Again, the response was fantastic, and this time we had even more numbers in attendance than previously. We had a total of 32 registered families/89 family members made up as follows:

 Family age groups:

  • 0-5 years old: 21
  • 6 – 9 Years old: 16
  • 10 - 18 years: 8
  • Parents (including 2 grandparents): 44

Entertainers and fun activities were arranged for the children, with supervision from Deaf Youth mentors. Parents were therefore free to watch presentations from a diverse range of Deaf presenters. There was also lots of opportunity for Deaf and hearing to mix and mingle throughout the day.

Some of our key objectives were to showcase NZSL, and to provide NZSL models for the children. This was achieved, as the natural use of NZSL was present everywhere throughout the day. We also wanted to strengthen connections in our community, and bring families of Deaf children and Deaf community members together within a Deaf space. This was achieved, and we were delighted to also welcome new families that had never visited Deaf club before.

Children enjoy one of the performers on the day

Children enjoy one of the performers on the day

Feedback after the event

It was an important opportunity for families to listen to the real-life experiences of Deaf people growing up, their journeys and use of NZSL, and the formation of their Deaf identities.  We hope that this event can contribute towards parents making fully informed decisions about their children’s futures.  Some quotes from attendees are as follows:

  • Everywhere I looked yesterday I saw families connecting, Deaf and hearing mixing together and new friendships forming.  Well done on superb event! Especially thanks to all the volunteers who helped patiently and enthusiastically with supervision of the children
  • Q: What did you enjoy most?: “Listening to all the guest speakers personal journeys.  Meeting other parents and sharing our stories”
  • “It was amazing! Such great supervision and entertainment”
  • “So inclusive. Lots of help with kids so relaxing for parents”