Round 6 recipients

Round 6 of the contestable process for community-driven initiatives.

The Government supports the maintenance and promotion of NZSL, as an official language of New Zealand, through the activities carried out by the NZSL Board. The NZSL Board has a total of $1.645m per annum to allocate to activities designed to maintain and promote NZSL. Its priorities are set out in the NZSL Strategy (2018-2023). Round 6 of the contestable process for community-driven initiatives was open in August 2019. 

This is the sixth year that the Board has run a contestable process for funding, giving anyone in the Deaf or NZSL user community the opportunity to put forward their ideas. The NZSL Fund also supports a range NZSL Board strategic initiatives. These include the Online NZSL Dictionary, NZSL Week and work to develop standards for NZSL Interpreters. Community initiative contestable funding

NZSL Fund Round 6 recipients

One-year projects between $5,000 - $80,000 are received through an annual contestable funding process managed by the Office for Disability Issues (ODI).  This funding round was the first to be opened in the first half of the financial year since the fund was established in 2014/15. Future funding rounds will be advertised in advance to enable allocation early in each financial year.  For the 2019/20 contestable funding process, the Board received a total of 17 applications. The Board recommended to ODI that 12 applications be funded or partially funded at a total value of $327,721. Selections were based on alignment with the Board’s NZSL Strategy (2018-2023) language planning priorities.

Here is the complete list of successful recipients, a description of the project and the total funding (excl GST) received.


Project Name

Funding recommended

Deaf Action

Our Nation, Our Identity


Otago Deaf Society

NZSL Community access


Learn NZSL with Eddie

Far North outreach


Deaf Society of Canterbury

Deaf Club Forum 


Julie-Anne Bode

Southland Silent Camp 


Waikato University

Equal Voices


Deaf Society of Canterbury

Vibrant Signing Community 


Deaf Sports NZ

Sports Summit


Auckland Deaf Society

FYD programme


Auckland University of Technology

NZSL in pharmacy settings


Kelston Deaf Education Centre

High School Summer Camp 2021


Otago Association of Deaf Children

Strong Foundation for Deaf Children
