Board meeting summary - May 2020

A summary of the NZSL Board meeting held in Wellington in May 2020.

Embedded video:
  • Due to Covid-19, the NZSL Board had their meeting on Zoom.  This was a new experience for the Board
  • NZSL Board sorry to miss the remaining towns/cities for the community engagement; it was nice to visit the smaller towns. Hope to resume this at some point in the future.
  • Received the Maori Engagement Report; would like to acknowledge the authors and the Rōpū for their work on this.  The Board were able to discuss ways to support Māori Deaf community over the medium to long term.
  • Welcomed the 2 interns who observed the meeting
  • Approved a new NZSL Board logo and look forward to unveiling this soon. 
  • NZSL Board commissioned a series of videos to be developed, explaining Covid-19 daily life.  These videos were developed by the community for the community to reinforce official government messages about how to keep safe during Covid-19
  • With the Round 7 opening soon on 11 May, the NZSL Board is looking forward to receiving applications from the community, and using Survey Monkey Apply for the first time.