Leadership hui for Turi Māori Rangatahi

Nga Rangatahi Turi o Aotearoa set up the very first Maōri Turi Rangatahi Leadership hui in 2024.

It was very emotional, very well-engaged and the rangatahi felt the space was safe, warm and opened minded. They were very determined to learn about their identity and understanding what it means as being the future leaders, and to support each other as teamwork.

Feedback on the event

"I like to see Māori turi rangatahi reconnect and being able to help work as a team when we were put into groups to discuss on how we should create a karakia in Māori sign language. In the future, I would like to see more Māori Turi Youth so that they can also learn about how to become leaders and learn how to become kaumatua & kuia”
- Brooklyn


“I like to see the youth do their pepeha because it makes me feel happy to know where they come from and who I'm related to. I feel valued and to feel that we are together as one whānau like brothers and sisters. In the future I hope they continue like this again.”
- Nerry
“ My favourite thing I learnt is whakapapa, my family tree and discussed why Māori people wear Mataora and Moko Kauwae on their kanohi and their bodies. I feel happy this weekend, happy and we can connect again. In the future, I hope to see more Māori Turi Youth come together again.”
- Holden