NZSL Board Meeting Summary August 2022
Jaime Brown shares the key messages from the last NZSL Board meeting, held in August 2022.
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- The NZSL Board and Rōpū Kaitiaki members met to get to know each other and agree how they will work together. The Board look forward to working with the Rōpū to make good decisions that will support the Māori Deaf community.
- Rachel Turner appointed as Facilitator of the Rōpū Kaitiaki group. Rachel Turner has worked actively with Māori Deaf and will be able to support Rōpū discussions about what is needed in the future.
- The NZSL Board have awarded a contract to Merge NZ to deliver some free NZSL learning around the country. This includes online, in person and trialling two one-off immersion groups
- The Board considered their strategic work and relationships with two important stakeholders, NZSL and SLIANZ. The Board are happy to support SLIANZ committee with some administration support and governance training and look forward to hearing how they can work with and support NZSLTA in the future.