An update on the NZSL Amendment Bill

Minister Simmonds has decided not to progress the amendment of the NZSL Act at this time.

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In January 2024, Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and Whaikaha officials met with the new Minister for Disability Issues, Hon Penny Simmonds to discuss her priorities regarding the NZSL Act. Minister Simmonds has decided not to progress the amendment of the NZSL Act at this time.

Given this outcome, work amending the NZSL Act has officially stopped.

While work to amend the NZSL Act has stopped, the Government, MSD, NZSL Board and Whaikaha remain committed to supporting the Deaf community and the vitality of NZSL.

MSD will continue to consider the needs and aspirations of the Deaf community, including Tāngata Turi Māori, as part of our work programme to improve outcomes for disabled people. Whaikaha will continue to work with the Board on the promotion and maintenance of NZSL, including through the development of a refreshed NZSL Strategy this year.

MSD and Whaikaha would also like to acknowledge and thank the Deaf community and Tāngata Turi Māori for their significant time and effort engaging in community consultations on potential amendments to the NZSL Act 2006.