Consultation to commence on a NZSL Interpreter Registry

A wide range of institutional users of NZSL interpreters and the Deaf community are being invited to give feedback on the next steps towards developing a national NZSL Interpreter Registration System.

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A NZSL Interpreter Registration system, similar to those in place in other countries such as Australia, Canada, Ireland and the Netherlands, has been proposed as a solution to improving standards and quality consistency of interpreter services for Deaf people in New Zealand.

The aim of this consultation is to, firstly, inform key stakeholders of the registry’s development, its design features, and purpose in improving quality services. Secondly, feedback will identify the level of support or concern for the idea of a registry, the use of only registered NZSL interpreters, and implementing a levy to pay for the registry through interpreter coordinator agencies.

Brian Coffey, Director, Office for Disability Issues, says, “It will be very interesting to see whether people and organisations support the idea of a self-funded NZSL interpreter registry; and, if so, how they think it could be done.

“We have some ideas but it is the people on the ground in interpreter coordinating agencies and government departments that purchase these services, and of course Deaf people, that will know if it can work in practice. We really look forward to hearing everyone’s views.”

Fitzgerald and Associates will be carrying out this consultation process on behalf of the Office for Disability Issues and the NZSL Board. 

More information will be distributed in coming weeks on the consultation process with the Deaf community. Update: Deaf community members invited to give feedback external on the next steps towards developing a national NZSL Interpreter Registration System.

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