Message from ODI: Brian Coffey announces a new NZSL Advisor for ODI
Brian Coffey has announced that Shona Jones will join ODI as an Advisor to the NZSL Board.
Kia ora koutou
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Shona Jones to the Office for Disability Issues (ODI) as an Advisor to support the New Zealand Sign Language Board in its work programme.
Shona brings to the role significant experience in NZSL and Deaf education.
Shona has important experience in the senior leadership team at Kelston Deaf Education Centre over many years as a teacher at Kelston and is currently an Advisor on Deaf Children at the Ministry of Education, Lower Hutt Office.
As a past member of the NZSL Board, including a year as Deputy Chair on the Board, Shona is very familiar with the work of the Board and committed to its purpose and vision. As a child of Deaf parents Shona is fluent in NZSL.
Welcome Shona to ODI and the important contribution you will make to the work of the NZSL Board and ODI. Shona’s first day in her new role will be 18th February.
Ken Bowater continues in his secondment to the Senior Advisor role until 30 August 2019 in the NZSL Board secretariat. At that stage the intention is to make a permanent appointment to the Senior Advisor role.
This provides two positions in ODI to support the NZSL Board and the important and increasing programme of work in assisting the NZSL Board to implement the NZSL Strategy 2018-2023.
Ngā mihi,
Brian Coffey
Director - ODI