NZSL Community Grants in 2024

The NZSL Board will soon be accepting applications for funding from the community. Find out more.

What's on this page

About NZSL community grants

Anyone in the Deaf or NZSL user community can apply for funding for their project ideas.

The funding is available to help NZSL thrive, both nationally and in local communities.

Funding can be used to:

  • support projects that maintain and promote NZSL locally or nationally
  • develop free resources that will be available to the public
  • give more opportunities to Deaf and other NZSL users to use NZSL together.

The funding round will open on 11 March and is open until 7 April. Applications should describe projects that can be completed within one-year, with clear outcomes and timelines.

The NZSL Strategy (2018-2023) is crucial to your application

All applications will be assessed against the NZSL Strategy (2018-2023). Please take time to read the five priority areas in the Strategy. This will give your project the best chance of success.

In summary, the priorities in the NZSL Strategy are:

  1. Acquisition - the learning of language
  2. Use/Access - the ability to use language
  3. Attitude - beliefs and opinions towards the language
  4. Documentation - systematic recording of language use for research and reference
  5. Status - how a language is regarded by its users and others.

Key dates for 2024

  • Opening date for applications: 11 March 2024
  • Closing date for applications: 7 April 2024
  • Board evaluation of applications: May 2024
  • Notify applicants of decisions: June 2024
  • Decisions released publicly: July 2024

When your project should start

Projects should start in July 2024. You will have a maximum of one year, until 30 June 2025 to complete your project.

Previous successful NZSL Fund Projects

You can find more information about projects that have already been supported by the NZSL Grants Fund here.


Frequently asked questions

As well as the questions below, Whaikaha is happy to answer any additional questions before applications open or throughout the application process. We can be in touch via email or video call.

You can contact us at

Do I have to submit an Expression of Interest? 

Whaikaha previously took Expressions of Interest before applications opened. We are now no longer taking Expressions of Interest as part of the process.

Where do I apply?

Applications must be submitted online, through Survey Monkey Apply.

Apply for NZSL community grant here. external
The opening date for applications is 11 March and the closing date is 7 April 2024.

How much can I apply for?

You can apply for funding between $5,000 - $50,000. You will need to nominate a fundholder (a legal entity) and the fund holding entity will need to submit audited financial accounts to prove ability to manage finances, if the application is for more than $20,000.

When will I hear about my application?

The NZSL Board will meet in May 2024 to assess and make recommendations on the successful applications. Successful applicants will then be notified in June and announced publicly in July 2024.

You can track the progress of your application online, at Survey Monkey Apply.

Criteria for getting the grant paid

Grant funding cannot be paid to individual bank accounts. If you are an individual, please find a fundholder organisation who can manage the funding for you.

The fundholder organisation must be a legal entity.
For example:

  • registered charitable trusts
  • incorporated societies
  • Crown entity e.g., Tertiary institution or a subsidiary of a Crown entity
  • Limited Liability Company

Your fundholder must sign a declaration stating that it is happy to receive and report on the Grant funding on your behalf.

Guidelines to apply for the NZSL Community Grants

Please read the Guidelines for all information about NZSL Community Grants.

You can keep an eye out on the NZSL Board Facebook page external for more updates.