NZSL Fund Round 6 is now closed

The NZSL Board has announced that NZSL Funding Round Six is now open and will close on 2 September 2019

Each year community-driven initiatives are considered through a contestable process. You can find more information about other NZSL initiatives (project, activities, and events) that have already been supported by the NZSL Fund in accordance with the NZSL Fund policies here: external.

NZSL Strategy Implementation

Applications are open for projects that support the outcomes of the five year NZSL Strategy (2018-2023).  In consideirng your initiative, please look at the outcomes recorded under each of the language planning priorities in the NZSL Strategy book or online.

Acquisition: The learning of a language by children and adults.
Use/Access: The ability to use a language in any or all domains of society, including within whānau.
Attitude: The beliefs and opinions of language users and others towards that language.
Documentation: The systematic recording of language use for research and reference.
Status: How a language is regarded by its users and others.

The NZSL Board will prioritise initiatives that are based on one or more of the following principles:

  • Include Deaf community members and support the Deaf community to develop skills and resources to increase and strengthen people’s ability to protect, preserve and share NZSL and their culture.
  • Strengthen Māori Deaf engagement with Te Ao Māori through NZSL and develop skills and resources within the Māori Deaf community.
  • Invest in long-term and sustainable outcomes for current and future generations of NZSL users and Deaf people.
  • Share NZSL knowledge, experience and resources with other locations and regions, and favour those initiatives that will become self-sustaining and/or can be replicated.
  • Encourage organisations to work collaboratively.

Application process

Step 1:  Expression of Interest (EOI), page 6.

You may submit an EOI up to 18 August 2019 at 12pm.  This is a one page summary of the project and approximate budget.  This is a pre-application stage which lets the Secretariat check your initiative is in line with the NZSL Strategy (2018-2023).  Please see page 6 of the Guidelines:  Applying for a grant from the New Zealand Sign Language Fund for more information.  This step is recommended but optional.

 Step 2:  NZSL Fund Round 6 (R6) application

Submit your completed application with all supporting information by the closing date - 2 September, 2019 at 4pm. 

Proposals to the NZSL Fund must:

  • not duplicate or displace NZSL funding, services and resources which are the responsibility of government agencies or organisations.
  • be between $5,000 and $100,000.

NZSL Guidelines and application form

English Guidelines and application forms (Word documents)

Guidelines-NZSL-Fund-Round-6.docx external

Application-Form-NZSL-Fund-Round-6.docx external