Round 8 NZSL community grants

This is the eighth year that the Board has run a contestable process for funding, giving anyone in the Deaf or NZSL user community the opportunity to put forward their ideas.

The Government supports the maintenance and promotion of NZSL, as an official language of New Zealand, through the activities carried out by the NZSL Board. The NZSL Board has a total of $1.645m per annum to allocate to activities designed to maintain and promote NZSL. Its priorities are set out in the NZSL Strategy (2018-2023).

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Important information for Round 8 (R8)

Key dates

Project start date

Projects can anticipate starting from September 2021, subject to any Covid-19 restrictions (Levels 1 – 4) preventing groups of people gathering. You will have a maximum of one year to complete your project.

Applications via Survey Monkey Apply

Applications must be submitted online through Survey Monkey Apply. Apply for the NZSL community grant here  external.  

Want to receive feedback about your idea?

The Office for Disability Issues can receive ‘Expressions of Interest’ from 2 – 9 March 2021. This can be useful if you want to check that your project idea aligns with the NZSL Strategy (2018-2023) and to ask any other questions you may have. Please note that we cannot provide feedback on your application content, just the overall project idea.

NZSL Strategy (2018-2023)

All applications will be assessed against the NZSL Strategy external (2018-2023). Please take time to read the five-year outcomes of the strategy to give your project the best chance of success.

How much can I apply for?

You can make applications for projects between $5,000 - $50,000.

When will I hear about my application?

You can track progress of your application online at Survey Monkey Apply. The NZSL Board will meet in May to make recommendations on the successful applications. Successful projects will be confirmed and announced in July 2021.


Please read the Guidelines document for all information about NZSL Community Grants Round 8 external or download them as a Word document