Recipient News
Here's the latest news from recipients of the NZSL Fund, keeping us up to date with their work.
Adapting TeachSign for Te Reo Māori settings
It was identified in August 2017 at a two-day Think Tank meeting initiated by the Office for Disability Issues and facilitated by Ennoble, that there…
Developing a Standardised NZSL Student Assessment Toolkit
To ensure that deaf children, aged 3 to 11 years old, are acquiring NZSL at age-appropriate levels, the NZSL Board has allocated nearly $125,000 for a newly developed, standardized NZSL student assessment tool, and a national training programme in the use of the tool.
Assessing deaf children’s NZSL development
With the NZSL Board’s support, the Combined Board of Kelston Deaf Education Centre and van Asch Deaf Education Centre has rolled out the training course for the Assessing NZSL Development toolkit across Aotearoa during February 2018.
National Deaf Youth Camp returns nearly 10 years later
The last National Deaf Youth Camp was hosted in Napier in 2008 and since then there have been very limited opportunities for Deaf Youth in New Zealand…
A ‘Whanau Hub’ is trialled for parents with deaf children in South Auckland
A new pilot drop-in centre, a family-friendly NZSL environment was trialled in South Auckland over the course of a year, led by Geneva Elevator, an…
Whānau hub trial for parents with Deaf children in South Auckland
A new pilot drop-in centre, a family-friendly NZSL environment was trialed in South Auckland over the course of a year, led by Geneva Elevator, an organisation that supports Deaf people to live an independent life.
Governance and Leadership workshops prove to be popular with the Deaf Community
Auckland Deaf Society received $21,000 from the NZSL Board in the second round of the NZSL Fund for its 'Governance and Leadership Training' project, which aimed to develop a governance, leadership and practical project management programme preparing Deaf participants for leadership roles in the Deaf community.
Adapting TeachSign for Te Reo Māori settings
It was identified in August 2017 at a two-day Think Tank meeting initiated by the Office for Disability Issues and facilitated by Ennoble, that there was a need for the TeachSign curriculum to be adapted to help NZSL tutors teach NZSL specifically in Te Reo Māori settings.
Challenge for Growth in NZSL
Challenge for Growth in NZSL will allow deaf children and teenagers, and their whānau/families, throughout New Zealand to develop positive…