Other frequently asked questions

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When do I need to book more than one NZSL interpreter?

Check if you need to book two (or more) NZSL interpreters if the assignment lasts for more than one hour. Always book two or more NZSL interpreters if the assignment is longer than two hours and the NZSL interpreter cannot take a significant break.

You may need to book two or more NZSL interpreters if your meeting/event lasts for more than one hour and breaks are not possible.

In situations of prolonged and intense communication, NZSL interpreters generally work in a team of two to ensure that concentration is maintained for optimum interpretation and that OOS (Occupational Overuse Syndrome) risks are minimised. For example, meetings that have lots of discussion or information content like workshops, or legal proceedings.

For all-day events or events taking place over several days, you will need to book several (two or more) NZSL interpreters. If so, you will need to plan well in advance to book the number of NZSL interpreters that you require.

When two NZSL interpreters are booked, they will take turns interpreting. This means you will not need to schedule any breaks, keeping disruptions of the meeting/event to a minimum.

The NZSL interpreters will also support each other to improve the accuracy of the interpretation. This is especially important when the assignment is complex due to content, speed of interaction or type of language used by the Deaf person.

What should I do if other agencies or professionals are involved in the booking?

Be clear on who is responsible for booking NZSL interpreters, who will pay for the interpreting service, and make certain everyone involved knows what is happening.

In some situations, it can be confusing to know who will book the interpreter and who is responsible for paying for the service.

Generally, the government agency that has been contacted by the Deaf person, or that is organising an event, should take responsibility for booking the interpreter and informing the Deaf person.

If a Deaf person is referred to your service by another professional, you should check who will book and pay for NZSL interpreter services.

If you book a NZSL interpreter and you are aware that other professionals or agencies have a direct involvement in the meeting or event, you should let them know and discuss who will cover the costs of the NZSL interpreter services.

Some examples of situations where more than one agency is involved are:

  • a Deaf person has the support of an employment consultant from Deaf Aotearoa when attending a job interview
  • the Deaf Mental Health Service is involved with a Deaf person who has a hospital appointment or an appointment with a lawyer
  • a Deaf Aotearoa facilitator is supporting a Deaf person before an appointment with Work and Income
  • a city council is co-hosting a public lecture series with another organisation.
  • Always talk with Deaf people involved with an event or meeting if you have problems booking NZSL interpreters.

What if a NZSL interpreter is not available?

If you have tried to book a NZSL interpreter but no interpreters are available, you could:

Postpone the appointment - make sure that everyone is kept informed of changes in the appointment date and time.

Book interpreters from out of town - in this case, you will need to pay for the interpreter’s travel costs and time in travelling in addition to the fee for interpreting. However, this option avoids having to reschedule the appointment and any other costs involved.

Shorten the time of the meeting or event - this may be appropriate if only one NZSL interpreter can be booked but you need more than one NZSL interpreter.

You could provide a longer break in addition to the short breaks usually required for the interpreters, or you could shorten the entire appointment (particularly if another meeting cannot be booked for a while). Always ask for the Deaf person's permission to do this before making arrangements.

In the case of a public event, consider a change in the programme so that the parts most relevant to the Deaf person are covered first (when the interpreter is available). Again, seek the Deaf person's advice before doing this, so you do not assume what the Deaf person may be interested in seeing.

Use an unqualified interpreter/communicator - only with permission from the Deaf person, and if all other options are not viable.

There are significant risks associated with using unqualified NZSL interpreters. However, if no qualified NZSL interpreters are available and it is impossible to postpone or shorten the assignment, the Deaf person may give permission for a 'communicator' or other person with some degree of fluency in both English and NZSL to act as an ‘interpreter’. In such cases, you should make sure the Deaf person understands what has been said.

Proceed without a NZSL interpreter - only with permission from the Deaf person and if there is no other choice.

In some circumstances, the Deaf person may agree to proceed with a meeting without a NZSL interpreter. You should provide confirmation or written backup of important points, such as the name of a prescription drug or the next appointment time. For group meetings, provide a note-taker or electronic note-taker if the Deaf person is fluent in written English.

Always attempt to book a NZSL interpreter for any further meetings. A meeting without a NZSL interpreter should not be taken as being acceptable practice or precedent for further meetings in the same way.

What if no Deaf people are present at a public event?

Decide in advance what you want to happen if this turns out to be the case. You could ask the NZSL interpreter to carry on interpreting, for example if the event is filmed or livestreamed. Usually for smaller events, the facilitator will ask the audience if any Deaf people are present who wish to make use of the NZSL interpreter. This question will be interpreted. If no-one indicates that they are using the NZSL interpreter, the NZSL interpreter will leave in consultation with the event organiser. A full fee will usually be charged.

How do I ensure Deaf people can contact our service?

Always include email contact details on public information, such as leaflets and websites, as well as telephone numbers. You need to make sure that any contact is responded to in a timely way (such as would be expected when a hearing person makes contact using the telephone).

Ensure staff know about the New Zealand Relay service. This allows text telephone users and ordinary telephone users to communicate via a relay assistant. The relay assistant will type what you say and will read out any typed response, or provide an interpretation visually, using the Video Relay Service/Video Interpreting Service (VRS/VIS). This can all be done via Skype. Bookings can be made in advance. The relay assistant will explain the procedure to you when you first make or receive a relay telephone call.

Deaf people may use a NZSL interpreter to interpret a telephone call for them. If this is the case, the interpreter will be with the Deaf person in the same room and you will hear the interpreter's voice over the telephone.

Find out more:

How do I know if a NZSL interpreter is professionally competent? 

Risk of using an unqualified person 

There are significant risks associated with using lay people or unqualified interpreters (such as family members or friends of the Deaf person, hearing children of Deaf adults, staff members with some experience in NZSL or NZSL students who have not undertaken interpreter training). 

First of all, their fluency in English and NZSL has not been assessed and interpretation may suffer as a result. Even if such individuals are fluent in both NZSL and English, there are risks such as bias, conflict of interest, and lack of confidentiality. Deaf people may not feel that they can be completely open about their information under these circumstances. 

However, the level of competence required for interpreting is different from one setting to the next (and from one client to the next). In high consequence settings, it will be important to check the NZSL interpreter's experience in that particular setting and the number of years they have been practising as an interpreter. 


All interpreter booking agencies will only employ interpreters who are qualified. A qualified NZSL interpreter who qualified prior to 2011 will have completed a two-year Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting (DipSLI) awarded by the Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Since 2011, the AUT programme has become a three-year Bachelor of Arts in NZSL-English Interpreting. Being qualified means that the NZSL interpreter has attained a level of competence at which it is generally safe to practise. 

The diploma and degree courses include a basic introduction to specialist settings, such as medical and legal interpreting. However, it is advisable to check the individual interpreter's experience in such settings to ensure that they are sufficiently familiar with the systems and specialist language they may encounter. 

Some policies exist that specify the level of experience required. For example, a 2005 Court Circular recommends that NZSL interpreters have at least two years postgraduate experience as a NZSL interpreter in a wide range of contexts before they work in legal proceedings. 

Professional associations of interpreters 

Qualified NZSL interpreters are generally registered members of the Sign Language Interpreters Association of New Zealand (SLIANZ) external or the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI) external. Membership of these organisations is voluntary. Both organisations have an interpreter's Code of Ethics, which members are required to sign and agree to follow.  

SLIANZ is the national professional body for NZSL interpreters. SLIANZ represents and advances the profession of sign language interpreting by keeping members and consumers informed, and by promoting high standards of practice and integrity in the field. SLIANZ is not a booking agency. NZSL interpreters listed in the SLIANZ directory external should be contacted directly if a booking is desired. 

All SLIANZ-member interpreters listed in the directory have completed the minimum of diploma training or equivalent / higher overseas training. 

Complaints procedure 

If you have a complaint about an interpreter who is registered with SLIANZ, your first point of call should be the interpreter themselves, or the agency through which the interpreter was booked. 

If the complaint cannot be resolved in this way, please contact the SLIANZ Secretary by email: secretary@slianz.org.nz 

Read the SLIANZ complaints procedure external