Implementation, monitoring, reporting and partnerships

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The NZSL Board receives $1.25 million each year to assist with implementing the Strategy through the funding of national and local NZSL initiatives and resources.

The Board’s 2017 planning review confirmed that there are some essential NZSL services and resources that need to be established and/or maintained, which are not clearly the responsibility of any one government agency (for example, NZSL teaching and assessment resources, the NZSL dictionary and regulation of NZSL interpreting services). Some of the essential language planning services and resources require ongoing funding and when considered together may require a sizable proportion of the limited NZSL Fund to be set aside.

Where government agencies and Crown entities have a clear responsibility to provide NZSL services and resources and/or access to their services through NZSL, the Board will not replicate or replace the government agencies’ responsibility.

To support the implementation of the Strategy, the Board will continue to focus on strengthening its partnerships with key government agencies (Ministries of Education, Health, Justice and Social Development) to:

  • provide advice to government agencies on developing and implementing their NZSL planning and/or activities
  • support the Board to plan, implement, monitor and report on progress towards achieving the Strategy’s objectives. 

The Board continues to recognise that to implement the Strategy it must also maintain its strong relationships and consult with Deaf Aotearoa as the recognised Disabled Persons Organisation representing the voice of Deaf New Zealanders. The Board also recognises the importance of engaging with the Deaf community, other non-government organisations and Deaf organisations, and relevant experts.

The Board will develop an Action Plan to outline the key activities it will progress under each of the five language planning priorities. The Action Plan will be reviewed annually to monitor progress. The Board will report on its progress in implementing the NZSL Strategy in its annual report to the Minister for Disability Issues.

For full information on the Board’s planning and reporting processes, including governance, refer to the Board’s Terms of Reference.