
  • Cabinet Paper – Promotion and Maintenance of New Zealand Sign Language, 2014. CAB SOC Min (14)9/7
  • Hornberger, Nancy H. (2009) Frameworks and models in language policy and planning. In T. Ricento (Ed). An introduction to language policy: Theories and method. (pp. 24-41). Oxford, England. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Human Rights Commission. 2013. A new era in the right to sign: He houhanga rongo te tika ki te reo turi. Report of the New Zealand Sign Language Enquiry. Wellington, NZ: Human Rights Commission.
  • McKee, Rachel Locker. 2011 Action pending: Four years on from the New Zealand Sign Language Act. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 42(2): 277-98.
  • McKee, Rachel Locker. 2017. Assessing the vitality of New Zealand Sign Language. Sign Language Studies, 17(3), 322-362.
  • Ministry of Education. (2013). Tau mai te reo: The Māori language in education strategy 2013−2017. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Education.
  • Office for Disability Issues. 2015. Terms of Reference for the New Zealand Sign Language Board.
  • Statistics New Zealand. 2013. 2013 Census QuickStats about Culture.
  • Te Puni Kōkiri. 2014. Te rautaki teo Māori: Māori language strategy 2014. Wellington, NZ: Te Puni Kōkiri.