A round-up of news about the NZSL Board, the NZSL Fund, recent Government releases and media coverage of interest to the NZSL community.
Promoting NZSL and our three priorities - attitude, acquisition and use/access
The NZSL Board's new approach splits the work into three priorities – Attitude, Acquisition, and Use/Access.
Deaf Education and community cohesion
In recent community engagement meetings, we heard many ideas and concerns raised about access to NZSL for Deaf children. All comments will be gathered and shared by the NZSL Board in conversations with the Minister for Disability Issues and the Ministry of Education.
NZSL Board principles for engagement with Turi Māori
Access to te Ao Māori is critical to the mana, cultural identity, hauora, and socio-economic participation of Turi Māori and their whānau. For Turi Māori, access to te Ao Māori through NZSL and signs for Māori concepts are critical.
2022 NZSL Community Grants funding
NZSL Community Grants help NZSL to thrive in local communities and nationally by supporting activities that use NZSL. The grants are for community groups to help NZSL continue and grow.
NZSL in schools - Youth Project
Zoe Ferguson and Cory Myatt were employed as NZSL interns at the Office for Disability Issues in 2020. As part of the youth project, they were asked to share how the use of NZSL has shaped their identity and experiences at school.
NZSL Youth Project full report
An insight into the preferences and needs of the Deaf Youth community as NZSL users
NZSL Youth Project
An insight into the preferences and needs of the Deaf Youth community as NZSL users
Round 8 NZSL community grants
This is the eighth year that the Board has run a contestable process for funding, giving anyone in the Deaf or NZSL user community the opportunity to put forward their ideas.
NZSL Board to fund Sign Language Proficiency adult assessment tool
The NZSL Board will fund the development and delivery of a national assessment service from April 2021, with secured funding for the first three…